Monday 13 June 2016


What I ended up handing in was these four renders and my final saved file and the file that had my rig in it. To be very honest Im really disappointed with where I got to in this assignment but due to having health issues over the last couple of months I just ran out of time.

Considering this is my very first human character and any type of clothing I have modeled, it is safe to say I have learnt a great deal purling from a digital modeling stand point. I am really proud of what I have produced (minus the tiny gross hands lol) and found a new love for designing and modelling clothing. I am still very interested in game design and through my research, found out a lot about the pipeline and the requirements for character models. It also lead me to discover I don't have anywhere near enough knowledge about coding to successfully use Unity to create a game at this stage. There was just not enough time to learn a whole new language on top of everything else I wanted to do so ended up putting that part of my project to the side to focus on the modelling. However, I am open to getting stuck in and learning some C# outside of uni to really get a feel for what that part of the game pipeline is like.

I really want to continue with this as a side project to build even more on these new skills, and to add something really damn cool to my portfolio. I didn't get a chance to play with nCloth or adding bump maps etc. to amp up the detail, unfortunately. However, I feel with the research I have done I am planning to experiment with both of these as I keep working on this project.

All in all it was a bit of a bumpy ride but because of that I have a new appreciation for those that do model assets and create code for games. And it still hasn't deterred me from getting a job in the industry myself.

Thanks for being the best lecturer ever Tanya!! You rock.

Those Pesky Ears

Modelling the ears themselves wasn't too difficult, it was trying to attach it to my model's topology that was a pain in my butt. I had to add in a few extra edge loops and fiddle around with them so the surface was smooth again. Although how much time these took in the end Im really proud with what I got! This was definitely the part of the model I was most worried about and apart from some unevenness where it connects to the head, I think I did pretty damn well!

Much learning!

Modelling the Clothes

Adding insert for the ribbing since the topology I had was in the wrong direct to model it straight on. 

Created a lining to hide where the insert met the rest of the hood.

 Its an almost perfect fit!

I had a lot of fun with this part of my project and learnt a heap about modelling clothes. So happy with how they turned out! The hood was the hardest to get right but with persistence (and therefore quite a bit of time) I got it looking exactly how I wanted it to! She looking bad ass

Detail Modelling

Smoothing her out and adding more details

Basic Model with Rig

Had some issues with weight painting and Maya crashing whenever I tried to paint vertices so this is on hold for now. At this stage I am wanting to focus more on the modelling side and getting her clothes done.

Body Modelling Process

I will take this model to rig and animate it for exporting into Unity as another pipeline test for my final. Next stage of modelling is the clothes since they are the most important. If I have time further down the line then I will add more detail in the body, but for now this will do.

A Little More Research

Looking into what engine Unity uses for it's animations

Making a game character to look at what the geometry and topology looks like

Finding out whether it's possible to use nCloth on my characters clothes to import into Unity

Since I found out I could use nCloth and the best way to export it, I went on to find some tutorials to help me us it