Sunday 15 November 2015

Character Brainstorm

Backstory - 

Situated in the desert lands in Ooo live the Cat People, ruled by the beloved Cat Princess. A sweet yet strong-willed budding adult, who many say is far to young to rule such a large city. Everyday the Cat Princess makes it her duty to prove those people wrong and this has shown in how healthy and strong The City of Cats and the Cat People are. 

However, they weren’t always known by this name. Many moons ago, before the Princess was born, you would instead find the Wiggle People, named from their jelly-like limbs. It was one overcast afternoon that the Wiggle Queen was rushed to hospital to await the arrival of her new
beautiful daughter. To everyone’s surprise, the princess was born a little different to the other Wiggle People. In place for ears, feet and hands were those of a cat. To make her feel more welcome in the community, the Queen ordered for all Wiggle people to wear cat hats and paws and now go by the name of the Cat People.

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